Profession: R/
Originally Posted by Swahnee
Why remove RA?
1.Bring back TA, with glad title
2.Keep RA, but remove the glad title from it
Being the only place with glad title, TA should not have any population problem, and RA would be clear of botters (whose only reason to exist is farming glad points) and syncers (whose only reason to exist is farming glad points).
Then, someone may say that without glad RA would be dead. Maybe. Maybe not. Don't forget that, if i'm not mistaken, the main reason that keep a lot of people (PvErs) out of PvP is the so-called "PvPers attitude", which means that a lot of PvErs try one or two times to start PvP, jumping in RA, and getting immediately insulted, called noobs and what not, you know. PvErs are used to the lower-paced PvE gamestyle, they are used to always win without too many problems, so it's comprehensible that they get shocked by such a first experience. The result is that they stop trying, convincing themselves that "PvP is not for me", "PvP is full of assholes", "i'm not going to give PvP a chance any more", etc.
How many of you like to play PvP for fun, without worrying about winning, or about a title? How many of you would like to have a nice, quick PvP format to play in when you have only half an hour to spend? I like to think that there are a lot of people who would like an RA without a title, without people always looking at your build to see if it's a meta one, screaming at you, telling you to gtfo noob, asking to resign, etc. Maybe i'm too naive, maybe i'm a dreamer...
...but you know, dreaming is free
Smart idea, remove glads from ra so when people try to get into TA they have no means of getting glad ranks, and teams will be looking for ranked players. So smart.
Some people just won't rest until all of pvp is removed...
If you want to do something productive OP why don't you start coming up with or thinking of possible solutions to the RA syncing because anet already tried to fix it and failed.
Smart idea, remove glads from ra so when people try to get into TA they have no means of getting glad ranks, and teams will be looking for ranked players. So smart.
Uhm...iirc there isn't any kind of lower-level PvP behind HA. So, how could high-ranked people get their high rank in HA? Often people complain in these forums because they can't get into high-ranked groups in HA. What's the answer they get most often? Try to form your own groups or join an unranked group, get better and grow your title. Do you think this is "so smart"?
Obviously, if we change things so drastically in RA/TA we can't pretend to maintain the same attitude than before. The mechanic that make people accumulate glad points in RA, and then show them off in TA to get in groups isn't set in stone. We were used to that mechanic because RA had the glad title, and things were easier in this way because of this fact, but if things changed we obviously would have to change our minds too. Which means stop thinking that the only way things can work out is to accumulate glad in RA and then use them in TA. People would learn to grow their title in TA, in the same way people now have to learn to grow their title in HA.
Changed title, as the original didn't explain the thread's purpose.
OP, you're being a little histrionic here. You "need" a response? The sandbox should be detonated because you don't like the way the other kids play in it?
Have a little perspective.
I wouldn't mind seeing TA's return and the removal of Glad from RA. Randoms used to be a fun, casual arena before title tracks. I'm not sure that there would be enough of a player base to sustain it without the title grinders, though. We don't want to create another TA or Codex where losing and re-entering means facing the same team again.
I wouldn't mind seeing TA's return and the removal of Glad from RA. Randoms used to be a fun, casual arena before title tracks. I'm not sure that there would be enough of a player base to sustain it without the title grinders, though. We don't want to create another TA or Codex where losing and re-entering means facing the same team again.
Yes, this was my fear too. I was trying to think about some way to advertise this new RA, if it was implemented, so to make more people (expecially from PvE) jump in, but it's too late now and i'm falling asleep (euro time here ).
Profession: R/
Originally Posted by Swahnee
Uhm...iirc there isn't any kind of lower-level PvP behind HA. So, how could high-ranked people get their high rank in HA? Often people complain in these forums because they can't get into high-ranked groups in HA. What's the answer they get most often? Try to form your own groups or join an unranked group, get better and grow your title. Do you think this is "so smart"?
Obviously, if we change things so drastically in RA/TA we can't pretend to maintain the same attitude than before. The mechanic that make people accumulate glad points in RA, and then show them off in TA to get in groups isn't set in stone. We were used to that mechanic because RA had the glad title, and things were easier in this way because of this fact, but if things changed we obviously would have to change our minds too. Which means stop thinking that the only way things can work out is to accumulate glad in RA and then use them in TA. People would learn to grow their title in TA, in the same way people now have to learn to grow their title in HA.
Fallacious logic. in HA randomway gets mediocre amount of fame, but didn't have to manage more than one win to get anywhere, bring back ta, and the title elitism will be worse than HA since you'd still have to get consecs to get glads, which would take the incentive out of pugging with unranked players. Of course people would learn to farm glads in TA, but the beauty of ra is, you don't have to form a group just to stand around waiting to farm ra spillovers, and not relying on feeble pug groups to slowly farm(or get farmed) for glad points is just impractical.
Last edited by Del; Jun 12, 2010 at 09:51 PM // 21:51..
this. learn to deal w/ it. its not a big problem(per se) but its deffinatley not as big an issue as u make it our to be.
just learn how to PvP and do the best YOU can. if you lose the worst you could do is join them.
And FYI:killing titles and removing yet another of the original unsucky PvP arenas will only hurt PvP population.(at least it will kill it for any PvE people)
before, it was a problem. now after the update with all the districts being merged, it's really not. it's not that easy to do anymore, and if you stop thinking "me me me me" for two whole seconds and think about how RA works, anet has already done all they can to discourage players from doing it.
i take it you know the ins and outs in the technical languages that guild wars is composed of, so really, besides what anet has already done, what else is there to do? this is me trying to make you feel obligated to humor me with a response that isn't obscenely radical and illogical. i double dog dare ya, ohoho.
I call shenanigans on the OP. The Support Team always signs their replies with signatures. If you can't be bothered to copy and paste who it was that sent you this, how can we be bothered to believe that the reply you say you got from them is valid? If it is valid, then no harm no foul, but as the post looks now, it seems to me you are making this up. I hope you understand where I am coming from. Anyone could write something like that up. It also looks way too informal to me to be an actual Support Team reply.
Could you please read the original post, That email was not send to me.
Originally Posted by Swahnee
1.Bring back TA, with glad title
2.Keep RA, but remove the glad title from it
How many of you like to play PvP for fun, without worrying about winning, or about a title? How many of you would like to have a nice, quick PvP format to play in when you have only half an hour to spend? I like to think that there are a lot of people who would like an RA without a title, without people always looking at your build to see if it's a meta one, screaming at you, telling you to gtfo noob, asking to resign, etc. Maybe i'm too naive, maybe i'm a dreamer...
...but you know, dreaming is free
/signed to this ^^. I would gladly give up my G4 if it means I could play RA again.
Originally Posted by Ninja Ninja
Some people just won't rest until all of pvp is removed...
If you want to do something productive OP why don't you start coming up with or thinking of possible solutions to the RA syncing because anet already tried to fix it and failed.
I am doing something. This is it, if ArenaNet is doing something to fix the problem they shouldn't be letting their support team telling players that sync is okay by using clever words like "but it is not a violation to hit the "Enter Battle" button at the same time as someone else." I am bring to light problems of them NOT SAYING THE SAME THING, AND GIVING PLAYERS THE IMPRESSION THAT THEY ARE NOT STANDING ON THE SAME SIDE on this issue. They are creating a loophole for players to exploit.
Originally Posted by dusanyu
Just learn to pvp and sync teams wont be an issue
Hello, I got G4 playing RA in a couple of months time when the sync problem isn't a big issue, and I didn't even have to do it everyday, it was fun and casual without other players harassing me. I stop playing because I was harassed directly and indirectly, indirectly because synchers where at one time boasting that they are synching, calling everyone to leave the district because they wanted to sync. I have reported the direct harassing with screenshots which didn't even get a reply from support. So SHUSH it with the learn to pvp. I was not there to owned anyone, I was there to have fun. And getting harassed isn't fun, not one bit.
Originally Posted by Airstu
I believe this is the OP's 6 month refresh of his jihad.
Oh!! you did not just use that word on me. Its a very very bad word and very bad practice describing one type of people only, you take it back now.
If ArenaNet did something for RA's sync problem, does that mean ArenaNet consider RA's sync to be a problem? They wouldn't be fixing it if they do not think it is a problem, right? Do you agree? If you agree read the following.
So, why the hell are the support team telling players it is not an offence to hit the enter button at the same time?
So, why the hell are the support team telling players it is not an offence to hit the enter button at the same time?
if you followed the situation way back when, that email is actually a copy/paste job that i believe either gaile or regina stated long before they released the patch that "fixed" syncing. in other words, its outdated and ncsoft support is clueless.
Last edited by snaek; Jun 13, 2010 at 04:41 AM // 04:41..
(but if your being serious, then i feel sorry for you)
I'm being serious [no trolling here]. If they took away gladiator points from RA, I'd stop playing GW1 completely and just find some other game to play until GW2 and D3 come out because RA just wouldn't be worth my time anymore. There'd be absolutely ZERO incentive to play! I occasionally do Randomways in HA, but never a serious group because, well... they're a bunch of r9++ rank-discriminating, frenzy-kicking, raging elitist fame wh0r3$! It takes so long to find a serious group, even if you DO manage to get accepted into one. GvG is even worse! TA used to be about half as bad as HA with the waiting times, all to wind up facing some impossible gimmicky groups like Shove Spike or Smiteways [note: I know they nerfed Smiteway, so bringing that up is void].
In summary, if they take the Gladiator track from RA, there'd be ZERO reason for me to play anymore, and I'd totally be forced to quit and find me another game. I'm 100% aware and certain that there're alot of malicious "I-don't-care-no1-cares-L-O-L-LEAVE!!!1!eleven!!!" [email protected] out there who'd kick me in the @$$ on my way out, too. So they'd be inclined to /sign this suggestion with the greatest of ease simply to empty out the game even further because they probably don't care about the game anyway, and probably don't even play, so two birdies up to those who oppose.
Yeah while they are at it, remove every title from the game, delete UW and FoW and other crap like that, and remove Zkeys.
I vote for a clean game that offers no fun/challenge and we can all be the same with nothing driving us to continue playing a 5 year old game.
Originally Posted by Swahnee
Why remove RA?
1.Bring back TA, with glad title
2.Keep RA, but remove the glad title from it
Wouldn't have to remove the title, just put it back to a 10 win limit then your ace is shipped off to TA. Nobody would do RA if it had no title linked to it. You know and I know it. It would be emptier than codex.
Last edited by Terrible Surgeon; Jun 13, 2010 at 07:55 AM // 07:55..
The need for consecutive wins, that is all, to get their title in the fastest possible way.
With which builds do they synch? A stable and solid build that nets them 25 wins nearly every synch.
Is it the fastest build to do so? Not by a long shot.
Simple Fix: Change the need for consecutive wins for the Gladiator Title.
Multiply it by 3 so people won't complain about losing a lot of time and effort due to the non-retroactive nature of the title and raise the cap to 80.000 Points or so.
And simply grant a point per win.
That way people wouldn't rage if they didn't have a monk and just try to facestomp the opposing team. Synch teams wouldn't exist anymore if you kept the 25 win cap because it simply wouldn't be the fastest way to attain the title anymore.
This way RA would see a lot more play as well. I don't get to RA as much as I'd like to since I don't feel like leaving halfway my third match because I have classes or work.